Uma criança caminhava através da floresta de concreto, as lâmpadas dos postes lembrando-a dos coqueiros dos seus primeiros dias, antes de aprender a falar. O Sol incandescia no alto, antes que a Lua começasse a brilhar e, quando a Lua aparecia, ele falava com o Sol sobre as horas minguantes e com o calor da Terra sobre a liberdade do tempo. Todos começavam a conversar, a trocar suas experiências, a falar sobre suas sensações. Eles construíram uma passagem subterrânea para as profundezas da Terra do Fogo juntar-se ao canal do Panamá e, sobretudo, eles falaram sobre suas histórias, suas raízes étnicas, suas linguagens, e descobriram que uma vez que eram capazes de se comunicar, eles eram um só. Oh, naturalmente eles eram ligeiramente diferente ao olhar, mas eles descobriram que eram capazes de transformar lâmpadas em árvores. A mágica estava em cortar as cordas que serpenteavam ao redor dos seus pescoços, estrangulando a conversa entre eles. Se assim não fosse, como eles poderiam conversar com os outros? Agora eles são capazes de respirar profundamente o ar ao redor deles e enviá-lo gentilmente ao Sol, à Lua, à Terra e todas as suas crianças. Olhemos brevemente no espelho e vamos imaginar que estamos novamente dando nossos primeiros passos, falando em nossos primeiros contextos, respirando em uníssono, comunicando de fato.
A child walked through the concrete forest, the lamp-posts reminding him of the coconut trees during those first days before he learned to talk. The Sun raged from high, this before the Moon began to shine and, when the Moon appeared she spoke to the Sun about the waning hours and with the heat of the Earth she spoke about the Freedom of Time. They all began to talk together, to exchange experiences, to speak of their sensations. They built an underground passage to link the depths of Tierra del Fuego to the Panama Canal, and above all they told their stories, of their ethnic roots, their languages, and they found that once they were able to communicate, they were all alike, a single being. Oh, of course they were slightly different to look at , but they all discovered alike, they were all able to transform lamp-posts into trees. The magic was in cutting the bonds which snaked around their necks and throats strangling the conversation between them. If this were not so, how then could they speak with others? Now also they were able to breathe in deeply the air around them and remit it gently to the Sun, to the Moon, to the Earth and all her children. Let us now look briefly into a mirror and imagine we are taking our first steps in learning to walk, speaking of our first contexts, breathing in together in harmony, in fact communicating.
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